Archive | December, 2011

Shelf Rescue

9 Dec

This is a little tip that works for not only houses, but any space that has a bookshelf and needs some sprucing up! I think everyone has a bookshelf, or just any storage shelf space that we just don’t know what to do with! Don’t get me wrong, there are a ton of beautiful shelves out there, but sometimes, the room just needs a little more life! Here’s an easy way to do it! This bathroom shelf would have looked a bit washed out if not for the wallpaper in the elegant yet fun pattern. Its simple, just pick a wallpaper that will complement the room, follow the instructions on how to put it on, and add it to the back edge of the shelf. If you are worried about ruining the shelf, and the wallpaper not coming off or whatnot, just use scrapbook paper, wrapping paper, magazine paper…the ways you could do this are limitless!

Christmas cupcakes

1 Dec

Making a home homey takes more than just good decorating! Cooking and baking are a big part of taking care of family. This little idea is cute, delicious, and it looks very Christmasy. I don’t have the recipe but just take baking mix and make cupcakes. If you want to know the recipe, just google simple cupcake recipes. After you make the cupcakes, take a waffle cone (can even be an ice cream cone), and using green frosting with a star tip cap, make little dabs on the cone to make it look like little leaves. You can buy the silver edible pearls in any grocery store. An easy tip if you can’t find green frosting is to make white frosting and add green food coloring to it! Happy baking!